2006 – 2007


A new school year began (= começou) a little more than a month ago. You have revised many things from last year in these five weeks. Now it's time to start our CALL lessons again.

They will be (= serão) every two or three weeks. We will see (= veremos). We will do (= faremos) more fun and interesting things. I'm sure that you will enjoy them and learn a lot of English.


General objectives of CALL lessons

Students will practice the target language in different ways and with access to different Web tools for learning in order to:

— improve their basic skills in English,

— work collaboratively to carry out the tasks,

— become more autonomous to be able to work better online on their own with the resources provided for extra practice outside of class by the teacher,

— acquire and/or develop computer skills and e-literacy.

2 thoughts on “

  1. What a wonderful CALL lesson!

    I enjoyed watching the movie that “Radical Teacher” made and listening to the voice messages by Cristina, Dafne, Isabel, and Ramona. I also took the follow-up quiz on the messages. I look forward to hearing the voice messages from the classes.

    I’m a great admirer of “Radical Teacher” and I’m impressed with the work that all of her students have done!

    Dennis in Phoenix

  2. Hi, Dennis!
    We had fun in both classes this morning. They enjoyed what they did and each class (6C and 6D) left a message for the teachers in the voiceboard. Tomorrow is 6E’s turn.
    I’ll write a report about the three lessons tomorrow.
    In two weeks they’ll probably be making movies!!! 🙂
    Hugs, Teresa

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