CALL lesson 2 (Oct 30-31)

It's Halloween. Boooo!!! Boooo!! Are there any ghosts, vampires or witches here?!

There's only this cute (= engraçada) little witch that I met in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, on 31st Oct. 2000. Yes, six years ago I was in the States at this time.

Well, it's time to do some fun activities to celebrate Halloween, so… enjoy CALL lesson 2!!! 




Students will:

— learn about the origins of Halloween,

— develop their reading, listening and speaking skills,

— learn and/or revise parts of the body.



Activities / Procedures

— read a short text about the origins of Halloween

"October 31st is Halloween. Where does Halloween come from? The Celts lived in Britain, Ireland and parts of France over 2,000 years ago, and October 31st was the end of their year. The Celts believed that ghosts came back to earth on this day. Today many people around the world celebrate this old festival – but today people usually have parties, dress up, and tell spooky stories about witches, skeletons, bats and ghosts. Have some Halloween fun!"  (British Council)

— do a fun quiz about Halloween to see how much you know and/or learned,

— listen to Ramona's voice message and answer her question in your notebook and then in a class voice message (go to the voice board), [this voice message isn't avalaible anymore]

— listen to The Scary Skeleton song, learn it and sing along with the skeleton (record with Audacity),

— do a matching quiz on parts of the body (that I created for you) to see how many body parts you learned today.



Help line

— double-click on Ramona's name to listen to her message, [not available anymore]

— click on the Leave me a message button to send Ramona a message,

— go to The Scary Skeleton song page to read the words; if you don't understand a word, double-click on it and you get a definition in another window,

— the quiz is only open for 5 minutes at a time (= de cada vez).



More activities / Follow-up

— review the parts of the body with a cloze exercise (that I created for you) based on "The Scary Skeleton" song

— listen to the story about The Magic Spell (= O Feitiço Mágico).

* * * * * *

Report on CALL lesson 2

This report is in Have Fun with English! 2. Click here.

22 thoughts on “

  1. Hello teacher! How are you? I`m fine. I did like very much the text, quiz and photos about halloween. I did the homework. Bye, bye, see you tomorrow!!! 😉

    António 6D

  2. Dear Teresa,

    What a wonderful blog you have for your class! Your students are very lucky to have a dedicated teacher like you!

    Cora (U.S.)

  3. Hi, Cora!
    Happy Halloween!
    Thanks for your nice words. The kids are enjoying every minute of these CALL lessons. Today I had a visiting class and there were 50 students altogether. It was a very active and participated lesson. They loved it. And so did my colleague and I. 🙂
    Hugs, Teresa

  4. You are an amazing, radical teacher, but that you already know. I wih I had had an English teacher like you when I was learning the language! It would have been so much more fun! 🙂

  5. Dear Susan and Cristina,
    Thank you both for your nice comments!
    Cristina, I agree that learning this way would have made a difference to us! I hope it does to my students.
    Hugs both, Teresa

    P.S. – FYI (= for your information), kids, my colleague and friend, Susan, is an American in Italy.

  6. Hi teacher!!!
    We don’t like the CALL Lessons….We LOVE it!!!
    The teacher is very cool and crazy!!
    We love the exercices of halloween!!!!!!!
    Kisses and hugs

    Raquel , Rodrigo,Gabriela and Márcia

  7. Hi Gabriela, Márcia, Raquel and Rodrigo!
    You got me (= puseram-me) very worried with the first sentence. I couldn’t believe my eyes!!!
    Then I read (= li) the second sentence and there was a “big” smile on my face. Yeeesss!!!
    It’s great that you love these exercises, because you learn in a fun way. :-))
    Hugs and kisses

  8. Hello, Radical Teacher and students.

    Your latest activities were very, very interesting—and FUN! I especially liked the Scary Skeleton song and the story about the boys and the magic potion. The exercises were also fun, ut the one about the Scary Skeleton was pretty challenging!

    By the way, in México and other countries in Latin America, there’s another holiday called Los Días de los Muertos. It happens at about the same time as Halloween, but its history is completely different. Have you ever heard of it?

    There’s a lot of information on Los Días de los Muertos here:

  9. Dear Dennis,
    It’s nice that you also had your Halloween treat, fun, whatever… with our CALL lesson. We had a BALL (lots of fun, but also Blog-Assisted Language Learning)!!!
    Thank you for the link about what we call “Dia de Todos os Santos” or “All Saints’ Day”, a national holiday in Portugal. It’s a day when we go to cemeteries and honor our loved ones who have died.
    While doing a quick search just now, I was reminded that the big Lisbon earthquake happened on this day in 1755.
    I’ll have some of the kids look into the link you sent.
    Thank you for being such a fan of ours and our work! 🙂
    Beijos, Teresa

  10. Dear Raquel , Rodrigo,Gabriela ,Márcia and Antonio.
    I’m Marielle from St George Tafe , Sydney Australia.My origin is from Greece but I lived in Lebanon and now I’ve been in Australia only three months.I find that your blog is very intresting . I would like to ask you some questions and I hope that you’ll leave some answers:
    .What’s your favorite subject at school?
    .I’ve never visited Portugal, so what’s the most intresting touristic place to visit there?
    .What’s your first language and do you have a second one? Are there any dialects in Portugal?
    .What’s your main food?
    .Would you like one day to come and visit Australia?
    Please leave your answers in my blog

  11. Hello, Marielle! I did like very much your message.
    My favourite subject at school is Math but I like English. We have a radical English teacher.
    When you come Portugal you must visit Lisbon, Cascais and the North. For me it`s the top. In Portugal we have nice beachs, castels, montains…
    In Portugal there is just one linguage, it`s portuguese.
    Yes, I hope one day visit your beautiful country!
    Bye, bye Marielle!

    António 6D 🙂

  12. Hi Marielle!!
    My favourite subject is English!!!!
    Our first language is portuguese
    Nice to meet you,Marielle!!
    hugs Márcia

  13. Hi Marielle!!
    My favourite subjects are Music, Physical Education, English, Math!!!
    Our first language is portuguses…
    Nice to meet you!!
    Hugs Rodrigo

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