Report on CALL lesson 6

The lesson went on as expected with both groups. 5D opted for looking at Carla's Brazilian blog and leaving a message. Here are some photos taken during class. None of them show faces of students, because I didn't ask parents for permission. But I will do so next year. They're so cute that they deserved to be seen!





5E chose to do interactive exercises, as they say, "play games"!!! Here are some pictures that I took.





They love these games. Concentration/Matching is a favorite, as is Speed Spelling. Most important of all is that both classes were extremely motivated and involved. And all students ask for more CALL lessons next year!

7 thoughts on “

  1. Even with their faces not seen,the sense of particiaption is evident.Please, keep on being my source of insiration!Hala

  2. Dear teacher Tere,
    Sorry I missed your blog for so long.
    I’d like you to be our teacher next year.
    Kisses and hugs.
    Have a great holiday.
    Francisca 5ºE

  3. Dear Francisca,
    I’m so glad to have a message from you in “our” blog!
    I haven’t seen you at Mar-à-Vista! Where have you been? (= Onde tens estado?) Are you enjoying your holidays?
    I hope to be your teacher next year. I’ll be very, very sad if I’m not.
    Kisses and hugs

  4. I agree with Hala that even though your students’ faces cannot be seen, it is still obvious that the students are highly involved in their CALL lessons.

    Congratulations to them and to you!

    Dennis in Phoenix

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